Copyright & Use of Images

  1. Copyright

Hills Portrait Studio reserves exclusive copyright to all images it creates, both under its trading name and the individual name of Hills Portrait Studio photographer Deb Smith. It is illegal, unethical and punishable by law to scan, copy, duplicate, reproduce, alter, edit, retouch or otherwise reproduce/modify these images in any manner or medium. Likewise, you cannot authorise any reproductions of images for commercial use, personal use or photographic competition or display. The photographer is the only one who can reproduce or modify any of the images produced in your photo session.

  1. Purchase of digital files

High resolution digital files are available to purchase, however copyright is retained by Hills Portrait Studio, and a limited release (personal use only) is granted. Your personal usage licence allows you to make cards, photobooks, prints, wall art and more, provided you do not alter the images in any way, other than cropping for specific sizes. You may also load digital files onto Facebook, and share electronically, but you must use the web sized images provided on your disc and you must leave the watermark intact. Digital files must not be published or distributed in any other way without the express written consent of the photographer. This includes media, any other commercial use and competitions. If you purchase digital files, you will be provided with a document detailing the terms and conditions of their usage.

  1. Our usage of your images

Hills Portrait Studio requires that all clients sign a release form at the time you place your order. You may specify on this form whether you give permission for your family portraits to be used by Hills Portrait Studio on their website or in other ways. We always seek permission to use images from our sessions as showing our work is how we get business, however we understand that some families have privacy concerns and we always respect that. This is always your choice.

  1. Other legalities

Hills Portrait Studio takes the utmost care and complies with the highest professional standard with all aspects of your booking (photography, editing and producing your order). However, in the event of mechanical failure, theft, accident, ill health or any other circumstance beyond their control, liability is limited to monies paid only.